
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Back in the game in time for VKC Fest 2011

You may or may not have noticed that I haven't made any blog posts in about a month now...this is because I came down with a horrible case of Uveitis, which is a really bad eye disease that kept me out of action for about three weeks! I still have another 8-10 weeks until my eyesight is fully restored in my right eye, but I've started boating again on easier runs or runs I'm familiar with to get back in the game. Nothing was worse than going from 60 to 0 in regards to boating time, instantly what occupied pretty much all my free time I couldn't do. The only saving grace is the amazing playoff race hockey that's on right now in the NHL! Enough about my flirtation with sure was nice to get out in Chilliwack canyon though after almost a month without! Awesome to boat with University of British Columbia Varsity Outdoor Club as well, including someone who hadn't boated since last April and had no trouble in the canyon in his river runner!

Just prior to the onset of my disease I out and pre-ordered a new camera, so I will finally have a camera with witch to take pictures and video for my blog...kindof essential, but I've gotten on without it for awhile so far...I ordered the new Pentax Optio WG-1 GPS, so we'll see how that is, it should arrive within the week!

The last thing I was doing before my down time was starting out a search for a new small boat since selling The far I've tried the Dagger Rx 6.7 and Pyranha Varun Medium, both amazing boats (though The Varun definately takes the cake here, largely due to it's upturned snout with a less steep top entry angle), and somewhat similar, but unfortunately for me I'll have to step up to a large size small boat as I have a tall 34-36" inseam begging for lots of legroom. The unfortunate part of this is I will be at the bottom or below the weight range for my boat and have to deal with longer, heavier versions of the boats with more displacement...but in the long run for something I intend to spend a lot of time in, comfort trumps those factors.

I still have not 100% decided on whether to get a full on playboat or a river-runner. A river runner is the logical choice in many ways (easier to boat, easier to learn basic moves, more stable, faster, better for rescues), but now, especially since it looks like I'll be limited to larger frames I might be looking closer at a playboat. I intend to give a go at a few anyway if it's possible.

I've roughly narrowed it down to:

Pyranha Varun Large
Pyranha Molan Large
Wavesport Project X 64

I'm open to suggestions and will obviously consult with the experts, but I'm thinking that at the moment...

I've also got some surprises lined up for the coming months so stay tuned!

In other news, the new whitewater season is upon us almost! Let the festivals begin! The 2011 Vancouver Kayak Club Festival takes place the weekend of April 29 - May 1 in The Chilliwack River Valley.

This year will be my first VKC Festival, but from what I hear it's the best thing going early in the season up here. Come out, have a drink and do some boating!

Info at:

VKC Festival 2011

and check out spring boat specials at:

(all the actual links are on the side of the blog here, under 'links').

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