
Monday, April 25, 2022

Highway 17 Whitewater: The Full Partial Story

If you're a (class IV-V) creekboater in Ontario and the Aumonde gauge near Mattawa is reading between 9 and 16 cms, forget highway 7 and head up North to highway 17 near Deux-rivières, because this is where it's at. Keeping in mind, it is a half to full grade harder than their sister runs of the South. Beware, many of these goodies often only run for a week or less each year! ...and there's likely quite a bit more to explore.

With a move out of the Petawawa area and back down to Barrie imminent, I thought I'd spill the beans on these gems...and a few less than gems as well, since the info can be hard to find. Bonus update, the Pyranha Scorch X shreds, even on tighter creeks. If you liked the original 9r at all, this boat is for you!

Deux-Rivières Creek: 4.5/5 Stars

Take-out: 46.253014, -78.287591; Put-in: 46.209526, -78.273400

Imperfect Aumonde gauge correlation: 6 bony minimum runnable, 9-11 good medium, 14 high

Bonus, 2022 the put in road has been redone as well as the bridge, we had no issues driving in with a Crosstrek, though depending on the snow and road conditions when it's running, you may have to carry in from Brent Road.

This run is great, it's the closest to BC creeking I've encountered in Ontario. With lots of continuous class III between drops and the constant threat of wood and shallow rocks, it will keep you on your toes for it's full 6-8 km, and likely take you a decent chunk of time to run, consider this a good full creeking day most likely.

There are about 6-8 more notable drops, all relatively easy to scout and spot ahead of time, though some of the eddies can be small. To spice things up there are usually 3-4 wood portages unless or until things clean up a bit as well. Through the roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of the run that is flat water, you'll enjoy an odd maze of bushes to navigate through and around, along with the odd shallow log to wheelchair over. Don't be discouraged, this run is fully worth it, and you will come out with a huge smile and only want to do it again.

Here's a good video by Graham Kent:

Grant Creek: 3.9/5 Stars

Take-out: 46.211486, -77.927036; Put-in: 46.15504, -78.001432

Imperfect Aumonde gauge correlation: Similar to Deux-riv, but higher minimum, and the higher the better

Mega-bonus, not sure it's been redone, but the road here is in good enough condition that we could almost drive all the way in, keep in mind this will depend on your own snow/melt/vehicular capability. I did need to jog 7 km to get my car back as a lowered VW Jetta couldn't follow up for shuttle retrieval.

Another gem, this one you don't hear too much about. The drops are bigger and cleaner than dos rios, and more pool drop in nature. There are maybe 6-8 larger drops, and with 4-6 double or triple sets of medium drops. There is a lot of flatwater on this one, so be ready, and some unfortunate wood. If the wood were cleaned up on this one, it would flow much better and double it's worth. The way it is now expect 3-4 portages, 2 of which are bigger ones, if water levels are higher it might add a portage or two because you wouldn't be able to squeeze under some logs. There is one very big drop on here that is questionable as to runnability, even with the right (likely high) water level, luckily the portage there is a clear trail on the right. There might also be a trail on the right for the next (last) beauty set of 4 amazing (but currently wood choked) drops, we never checked that side.

At one point on this run, you'll paddle across a large marshy lake that has an enormous diversity of waterfowl, it really is something to experience seeing them all flying around you.

Bissett Creek: 2.5-3/5 Stars (estimate, second hand info for this one)

Take-out: 46.2236794, -78.0690941; Put-in: 46.183283, -78.087821

Imperfect Aumonde gauge correlation: Not sure, likely similar to the other two

This one I've looked at a few early drops that are roadside-ish, but haven't run yet. I've heard it's questionable whether it's worth it. The run starts off with a big drop (portage?), then a multi-tiered drop that unfortunately only the top part goes. After this are a couple more big slides, then some decent continuous class III. As with the others, check for wood and expect at least a couple wood portages.

Alpine Petawawa: 3/5 Stars

Info on this here:

Amable du Fond: 3.7/5 Stars

This one has multiple sections, the most common being Take-out: Around 46.1512709, -78.9311832 (or up above Gravelle Chutes is best to run that guy); Put-in: 46.184677, -78.918671

There are sections further down as well, in and around Eau Claire Gorge.

There is a large window for this run, it seems to go well into the late Spring/Summer, but is better with more water.

The main section has Gravelle Chutes, a great multi-tiered fun drop, followed by long continuous class III and two class IV drops, a slide or falls depending on the level and a little roadside class III+ boof.

The North Shore (Québec side of the Ottawa):

Going up and down from the Dumoine River are a series of rivers coming in the North side of the Ottawa, they are hard to access, requiring either paddling down, or a maze of backroads from the main route between Swisha and Kipawa, or finding access and paddling across the Petawawa to hike up. Some of them are Ruisseau Edwards, Rivière de l'Ours, Rivière Maganasipi, Chute Hannah on the Ruisseau Hanwell, Rivière Schyan.

While I'm sure there are goods in here to be discovered, there isn't much that worth taking too much extra time that I've seen, you're probably better off spending your time in the Laurentides in my opinion, but the adventure element is there and thriving...and who doesn't love an adventure ;)

















G Level (lower than desirable) at put-in







