
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Early Spring Stateside

Québec has been a mixed bag for me so far. I caught the majority of an unusually wet summer here in 2014 upon arrival, then missed the fall season. I endured the longest, coldest winter they've had in many years I hear, but spent 6 weeks in Mexico. Now I've had the opportunity to paddle a bit early spring stateside, but just as the melt is beginning here work is thrusting at me again and robbing me of my first spring here. I can't really complain, I could always change things if I really wanted to.

The last couple weeks I've spent exploring and kayaking West Virginia, Delaware Water Gap and Vermont/New Hampshire goodness, all new places to me with different kayaking from what I'm used to out west or even in Québec really. Beauty places that seem to cascade into runnable timeframes one after the other as you head north.

The big difference here in Québec compared to the Pacific Northwest/BC, if you want to kayak during the off season or start need to travel, luckily I love driving and checking out new places so I don't mind.

It finally warmed up enough for me to want to get the camera out and I got some shots from the Northeast last weekend anyway.

TJ on yes no toaster as the french say

Alexandre boofing something

Seb on yes no toaster

A frozen but beauty Upper Pemi

Wintery flume gorge

The crew below toaster

Alexandre on Otter Creek Falls